A Leeds Garden Room – The Best Ever Investment

For the past eighteen months on the outskirts of Leeds, Nadia Sidebottom has been running her popular online dog boutique from a beautiful cedar garden room. After starting the business eight years ago, she’d begun to outgrow her base in the spare bedroom. Though Nadia did consider finding a workspace out of the home, ultimately,…

Harrogate Garden Room

A Harrogate Garden Room – A Multi-Purpose Family Space

When investment consultant David and his family moved to a new home just outside of Harrogate, they were keen to look into the possibility of having a garden room built. They’d never previously had a big enough garden to consider one, but the new garden had a spot that seemed ideal. The family decided that…

A Teesside Garden Room – The Envy of the Neighbours

At the beginning of 2021, Darren, an area manager for a major supermarket, had just moved into a new home and was considering renovation options. ‘We’d downsized from a five-bedroom house to a two-bedroom bungalow. In the last house we’d spent a fortune on a conservatory, but it was totally useless. We kept seeing fabulous…

The Fifteen Step Commute To A York Garden Room

Jackie, a communications training professional based in York, has recently added a commute to her daily routine. After six years of working mainly from her dining room table, she now commutes fifteen steps to her new Horto garden office. Fifteen steps may not sound like much at all, but it has given Jackie some much-needed…

Planning and Preparation Makes for the Perfect York Garden Room

The British Army saying “Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance” appears to have been rigidly put into practice by army veteran Lee and his wife Sarah when they finally decided on the Horto Garden Room for their York home.   Having spent nearly 3 years meticulously planning and preparing, the couple decided on the…

Imagine Your Perfect Garden Office – Then Make it Happen

With positive thinking and a strong determination to make it happen, Barbara from York decided on Horto Garden Rooms to build her the perfect garden office. “I’ve thought about a garden office for some time now, the options available and how I wanted it to look.  I also didn’t want it to be so large it…